Tag: art

home of a content challenger

I made this, you play this, we are enemies — the weirdest goddamned game I’ve ever played

BongBoing today posted a link to a game called “I made this, you play this, we are enemies” I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any computer art quite as — I’m sorry, there’s no other way of putting this — as fucked up as “I made this, you play this, we are enemies,” a…
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Worm up for auction on marktplaats.nl

Worm the Rotterdam stage for culture and music is on sale on marktplaats. Disregarding a very positive response by the Rotterdam Council for Art and Culture (RRKC) to WORM’™s plans concerning 2009-2012, it will not be possible to keep the organisation afloat with the amount of money assigned to it by this same council. It…
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Henk Hofstra: environmental art in Leeuwarden

People who read my blog now that I frequently post articles I have read on Boing Boing. This post is not different from that rule. There is just one funny twist about this one: I find it unbelievable that I have to read an American blog to know what is happening in Leeuwarden. Afterall my…
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I finally found my way to wikileaks.org. Wikileaks is a website for whistleblowers, it accepts classified, censored or otherwise restricted material of political, diplomatic or ethical significance. I read a lot about it during the time they were brought offline by the Swiss bank, but never found a moment to just have a look at…
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Top 10 Ways to Get Cables Under Control

Lifehacker has the 10 best ways to get rid of your cablesalad. When you finally decide it’s time to do something about that rat’s nest of cables that’s spreading like kudzu, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money to get it under control. Whether you’re looking to stow your headphone wires…
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