Category: Fun

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Literal videos

Some more new fun: literal videos. Using the melody and what you see to sing the song. Below is “under the bridge” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Under The Bridge: Literal Video Version – watch more funny videos More fun: A-ha: take on me Billy Idol: White Wedding

Cooliris and the gallery

If you are using Firefox on Windows you should get the cooliris plugin. The plugin really does a nice job if you need to browse a collection of fotos. And since I finally have found a fix for the problems with my gallery, it even works on my gallery as well! Woot! UPDATE: cooliris is…
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Youtube increases sales of Monty Python

According to a post on slashdot: “Apparently it with the release of all of Monty Python’s material on YouTube, their sales have blown through the roof on It is too bad there isn’t any proper news article about this, but I think it bodes well for those who champion free content. More importantly, it…
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Shoes for Bush

Boingboing has the following very funny article: Got an old pair of shoes lying around, waiting to be used in a ritual gesture of disrespect? Send ’em to the GW Bush liberry so they can put them on the My Pet Goat shelf. Link is dead.Boingboing has the following very funny article: Got an old…
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While waiting for a new rebuild of KDE from subversion I usually waste way too much time on Knetwalk. It’s a fun little game where you need to connect all the pcs to the net (the world symbol). And just for the ego factor: my current high score is 55 seconds for a ‘hard’ game…
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