Author: Jord

home of a content challenger

Blocked by Google

On February the 5th WordPress released version 2.3.3 of their blog software. This release fixed the following issue: WordPress 2.3.3 is an urgent security release. If you have registration enabled a flaw was found in the XML-RPC implementation such that a specially crafted request would allow a user to edit posts of other users on…
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Optical color illusions

Boing Boing presents a couple of nice optical color illusions that you just should see: Note that square A and square B have the same color. Here’s a similar illusion with colored squares. The “blue” tiles on the top face of the left cube are the same color as the “yellow” tiles in the top…
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New living – almost done

Payed a visit to my new home today. I’m very impressed since it is almost completely done. A month early… So the next weeks I’ll be preparing for the next move. And I now will have ethernet all over the place. No more wireless for non-moving PCs. A geeks dream come true 😉

Guess the song

Great video. Someone singing a song reverse. Try to get the name of the song before the middle of the video.

Review: upgrade vista to XP

Here is a fine bloke who did what I have been dreaming of ever since I got my new Dell D830: he upgraded his Windows Vista installation to Windows XP. Although my own Vista installation runs a lot better than his, I do see a lot of familiar problems he seems to have fixed with…
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