Tag: DRM

home of a content challenger

Why DRM cannot work

Cory Doctorow (of boingboing fame) wrote a nice column where he explains why DRM (Digital Rights Management) will never work. The article is intended to explain to non-technical people why DRM is impossible. It also explains why DRM only hurts people who actually go out and buy the content and NOT the pirates. The thing…
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SonyBMG again

A while ago I blogged about my experiences with the Air album WalkieTalkie. This album has (had?) some awful content protection mechanism. The protection caused the album to sound like a LP that had seen too many parties. Back in the days I talked to BMG about it, they offered to change the CD for…
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Norway to put its TV and radio online

Norway has decided to put a lot of TV and Radio (public channels) online. This could have been a great project, but the government of Norway decided to put all the content through Microsoft DRM. Thus giving Microsoft control over who can play the content, where and on what devices. Boingboing‘s Cory did a nice…
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DRM Again

The inquirer has a nice rant about DRM and the upcoming products by Intel and Microsoft. It is a nice read, featuring all the arguments that could be summed up against those technologies (leaving out the pros for convenience). Link.