Category: Stupid rat creatures

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Japan earthquake and radiation

Reading a little on the backgrounds of the Fukushima nuclear plants I stumbled upon allthingsnuclear. An interesting site with coverage of the problems in Fukushima, but also quiet some background on other nuclear issues the world currently copes with. Link.

The lion man

For all of those who say: “you got to try everything once”. No, you don’t. [youtube]

Dutch trust

After the famous ‘to go Dutch’, ‘Ducth courage’ and a ‘Dutch wife’ we might need a new one: Dutch Trust. I guess the definition would be something like: to trust someone who can not be trusted. What happened? The Dutch government in the past couple of weeks introduced the following new rule: All telephone and…
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Koninginnedag (Queensday) in Rotterdam

Every year on the 30th of April the Dutch queen celebrates her birthday. The day is celebrated with bands, beer and kids selling stuff on the street. I lived in Rotterdam from 1990 until 2000 and during those years “koninginnedag” has always been a pleasant party. I would normally watch a band, buy a beer…
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Holland for my German friends

I have been on my way in Holland again for the last 12 Months. A lot of things happen in this small country where I was born. When I left in 2000 the country was a pretty open society where people were proud to live together with a lot of cultures. Although Holland is still…
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