Category: Just bloggin’

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Wiimote Accident, or why there is a lace

Guy destroying his tv with a wiimote.

Shoes for Bush

Boingboing has the following very funny article: Got an old pair of shoes lying around, waiting to be used in a ritual gesture of disrespect? Send ’em to the GW Bush liberry so they can put them on the My Pet Goat shelf. Link is dead.Boingboing has the following very funny article: Got an old…
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I made this, you play this, we are enemies — the weirdest goddamned game I’ve ever played

BongBoing today posted a link to a game called “I made this, you play this, we are enemies” I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any computer art quite as — I’m sorry, there’s no other way of putting this — as fucked up as “I made this, you play this, we are enemies,” a…
Read more Japanese stuffs for the Western stuffs buyer

Over at BoingBoingGadgets they posted the following website which I just really need to visit on a regular base: The luxury laptop importers behind have opened up another online outlet,, which offers a wider selection of strange Japanese tchotchkes, gadgets, and clothing. So if you wanted to know how to buy that strange…
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If you weren’t scared yet

Maybe this will get you. The first one features Euro Pacific Capital president Peter Schiff’s. He already predicts the current situation in 2006. The other economic specialists do not share his opinion. How wrong they were… [youtube] Here’s a video interview with The Black Swan author Nasim Nicholas Taleb and his mentor, mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot,…
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